Dr. Hong (Helen) is a board certified acupuncturist and herbalist, If you are thinking about trying acupuncture, you found a nice clinic and a nice provider. Helen came from China with very strong family background of TCM and Western medical knowledge. She helps many people in both China and United States to relieve pain and raise the life qualities of her patients with 21 years' clinic experiences. Many patients have found her and found a way to avoid surgery or drugs -- and to avoid side effects.
43368 Bryant St, Fremont, CA, 94539
Email: info@sfbayacu.com
Tel. (925) 365-1753
Increasing peripheral circulation, Augmenting skin and muscle blood flow, Decreasing heart rate reducing elevated blood pressure, Regulating autonomic nervous system, Normalizing gastro-intestinal motility, Boosting immune function Balancing reproductive hormones
©2024 San Francisco Bay Area Natural Medical Center, sfbayacu.com